What is the Placement Scope After MBA? (Update 2024)

What is the Placement Scope After MBA | ChitkaraU Online

An MBA degree is one of the most preferred career choices for many aspirants. It is advised that when students think of enrolling for an MBA, they must ask themselves the purpose of doing so. Students who graduate from the best B schools have many options for placements after MBA. In this blog, we will see the scope after MBA placements in complete detail.

It is sure that an MBA improves the skills of a student and offers them many opportunities in India and abroad. The business skills and techniques possessed by an MBA graduate help the candidate reach an exceptional level with many career opportunities.

MBA Specializations:

Candidates who wish to complete an MBA degree can consider pursuing any courses including a full-time MBA, an online MBA, a part-time MBA, etc. Other than this, the candidates are informed that they can pursue a general MBA degree and even complete an MBA course in some specific specialization.

Some of the popular specializations that most candidates can choose from are mentioned below.

• Marketing
• Finance and Banking
• Healthcare
• Masters in Public Health
• Logistics and Supply Chain
• Business Analytics
• Human Resource Management

Job Opportunities After MBA:

Placement scope after MBA can be wide in nature and are found in many fields. Most aspirants can go through multiple career opportunities after completing the course in the below-mentioned specializations.

1. Marketing: A common specialization in MBA is of Marketing. The main reason is that there will never be a shortage of career opportunities after completing an MBA in Marketing.

An MBA course in Marketing opens many job opportunities for aspirants in the sectors of banking, media, hospitality, retail, etc. The popular job profiles that these aspirants can pursue after completing an MBA in Marketing are Brand Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Manager, Online Marketing Manager, etc.

2. Finance and Banking: Yet another popular specialization after completing an MBA is that of Finance and Banking. Most aspirants who specialize in this field can find jobs in tax planning, investment management, insurance management, etc.

The popular jobs that these aspirants can pursue after completing an MBA in Finance are Financial Manager, Credit Analyst, Accounting Manager, Cash Manager, Risk, Insurance Manager, etc.

3. Human Resource Management: After completion of an MBA degree in HR, most aspirants can also join as an HR executive at manufacturing companies, the service sector, the education sector, the banking sector, etc.

An HR professional can be involved in the process of recruiting, training, orienting, and appraising employees of a company. The candidates who work as HR managers are responsible for completing tasks related to organizational structure, morals, motivations, and overall employee management.

After completing MBA in HR, one can start their career as an HR Manager, Employee Relations Manager, HR Operations Manager, or Senior Human Resources Consultant.

4. Logistics and Supply Chain: Logistics and supply chains play an important role in many sectors including manufacturing, e-commerce, retail, etc. With the growth of technology, businesses have started focusing on this discipline more than ever.

Also Read: Becoming Job-Ready With An Online MBA

A student who completes MBA in logistics and supply chain will find employment as Supply Chain Performance Analyst, Warehouse Operations Manager, Demand Planning Analyst, Supply Chain Consultant, Purchase Manager, Logistics and Transportation Analyst, etc.

5. Healthcare: An MBA in healthcare helps students fill multiple management roles in different medical facilities. They can learn ethics, decision-making, operations, and administrative tasks.

The common job sectors for MBA in healthcare management graduates include Healthcare IT service, hospital administration, medical equipment, the pharmaceutical industry, the health insurance industry, etc.

After completing an MBA in healthcare management, most aspirants can land their dream job as Hospital Administrator, Healthcare IT consultant, Pharmaceutical Product Manager, etc.

6. Business Analytics: There has been a rising trend of multiple job opportunities opening up in the field of business analytics. Students who complete an MBA in this field can find jobs in education, finance, software development, etc.

This specialization teaches the student to gain a detailed knowledge of survey software, data analytics, data visualization skills, etc. After you complete an MBA in Business Analytics, you can get jobs as a Financial Analyst, Management Consultant, Predictive Modeller, etc.


Pursuing an MBA degree leads to many professional opportunities that can promise a bright future ahead. Based on the kind of specialization that you choose, you will be presented with multiple options for placement scope after MBA degree.

In addition to the various specializations offered full-time, Chitkara University has also started offering MBA in Marketing and Finance in the online format. Pursue an MBA degree of your choice for successful professional outcomes in the future.

Our Online MBA programs offer a pathway for next-generation leaders to advance their careers, gain new skills, and increase their knowledge of business and management.